7-Title: Assessment of oxidative stress by antioxidant vitamin C, A and ß–carotene in pregnant Kankrej cows
Authors: Jinnal Patel, Sandhya S Chaudhary, Abid Dadawala and Vishal Patel
Source: Ruminant Science (2022)-11(1):33-36.
How to cite this manuscript: Patel Jinnal, Chaudhary Sandhya S, Dadawala Abid and Patel Vishal (2022). Assessment of oxidative stress by antioxidant vitamin C, A and ß–carotene in pregnant Kankrej cows. Ruminant Science 11(1):33-36.
The present investigation was conducted on twelve Kankrej cows comprising of six non-pregnant control cows and six periparturient cows to study oxidative stress in periparturient cows by estimation of the levels of antioxidant vitamins C, A and ß-carotene. Significantly higher (P<0.01) level of vitamins was observed in non-pregnant cows as compared to the periparturient group. Vitamins C, A and ß-carotene decreased from 30 days before parturition and attained the lowest levels on the day of parturition. Increased levels were observed from 15 days to 30 days after parturition. The lower antioxidant status of vitamins during pregnancy and parturition might be due to the transfer of these vitamins in the formation of colostrum.
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