18-Title: Study on the role of human resources in cattle rearing practices and the marketing practices in relationship to herd size of cattle in Alwar district of Rajasthan
Authors: RK Saini, ML Gurjar, G Mishra, A Saini and MK Bunkar
Source: Ruminant Science (2022)-11(1):83-88.
How to cite this manuscript: Saini RK, Gurjar ML, Mishra G, Saini A and Bunkar MK (2022). Study on the role of human resources in cattle rearing practices and the marketing practices in relationship to herd size of cattle in Alwar district of Rajasthan. Ruminant Science 11(1):83-88.
The current investigation has been performed in Rajasthan’s Alwar district. There were two tehsils Tijara and Rajgarh and 5 villages from every tehsil have been chosen at random. A total of 180 cow breeders were chosen for the study, with each town having eighteen cattle breeders. Chi-Square () analysis was used to examine how herd size linked statistically with existing marketing management techniques, and human resources’ role in cattle management procedures was recorded on a per cent basis. Family members in the studied region have been found to be responsible for the majority of cattle management techniques, including deworming, service insemination/mating, protection against external parasites sick animals’ care, young stock’s care, milking, cleaning, feeding (49.45, 56.67, 64.45, 46.67, 48.89, 65.00, 73.33, and 61.11, respectively) by women whereas, men’s highest contribution was in the sale of animal (90.00%) and sale of milk (63.89%).
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