40-Title: Effect of organic trace minerals supplementation on immunity of periparturient does
Authors: Arvind Kumar Tripathi, Ashok Kumar, Padma Nibash Panigrahi and Ashish Srivastava
Source: Ruminant Science (2022)-11(1):197-202.
How to cite this manuscript: Tripathi Arvind Kumar, Kumar Ashok, Panigrahi Padma Nibash and Srivastava Ashish (2022). Effect of organic trace minerals supplementation on immunity of periparturient does. Ruminant Science 11(1):197-202.
The present study was designed to evaluate the effect of the supplementation of organic trace minerals on the immune parameters of periparturient Jamunapari goats. For this study, 18 goats were randomly divided into three groups (n=6). Group A act as a control, Group B (T-I) supplemented with Cu @ 7 ppm and Zn @ 16 ppm, group C (T-II) supplemented with Cu @ 9 ppm and Zn @ 23.5 ppm. Trace minerals (Cu and Zn) levels, immune parameters such as humeral and cell-mediated immune status and biochemical parameters viz. total proteins, albumins, globulin, A/G ratio, serum cortisol, insulin like growth factor (ILGF) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were estimated. The values of Cu and Zn in the goats of treatment group II were found to be significantly high in comparison to control and treatment group-I. The levels of IgG, IgM and IgA and cell-mediated immunity in terms of the T-lymphocyte stimulation/blastogenesis were found to be significantly higher in treatment group II during the periparturient period than in control and treatment group I. The level of serum total protein and serum globulin, serum insulin like growth factor (ILGF) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were found to be significantly high in treatment group II goats during the periparturient period in comparison to the control group and treatment group I. It was also observed that the serum cortisol level of treatment group II goats was found to be significantly low at the periparturient period under study in comparison to the control group and treatment group I goats. Colostrum trace minerals viz. Cu and Zn levels, colostral immunoglobulin and colostral antimicrobial proteins were found to be significantly high in treatment group II in comparison to control and treatment group I.
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