10-Title: Sero-prevalence and risk assessment of bovine brucellosis in Jaipur, Rajasthan
Authors: Nirmal Kumar Jeph, DS Meena, R Singh, SK Sharma, MC Parashar, A Gupta, J Bargujar and S Sharma
Source: Ruminant Science (2022)-11(2):305-308.
How to cite this manuscript: Jeph Nirmal Kumar, Meena DS, Singh R, Sharma SK, Parashar MC, Gupta A, Bargujar J and Sharma S (2022). Sero-prevalence and risk assessment of bovine brucellosis in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Ruminant Science 11(2):305-308.
The study was planned to assess the seroprevalence of bovine brucellosis in Jaipur and adjoining areas. A total of 414 samples comprising 208 cattle and 206 buffaloes were examined serologically by RBPT and i- ELISA, out of which, total 27 and 30 were found positive with an overall prevalence rate of 6.52% and 7.25%, respectively. Also, the location-wise analysis revealed variation with the highest infection rate in the Sanganer area 9.68% (6/62) and Bassi 10.13% (8/79) as per RBPT and i-ELISA, respectively. This study revealed a higher infection rate in male populations of cattle (7.25%) and buffaloes (7.14%). The age-wise analysis presented the highest infection rate in the age group of 5-9 years as 9.87% (15/152) and 10.53% (16/152) as per RBPT and i-ELISA, respectively
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