27-Title: Rational self-medication practices among dairy farmers:  An exploratory study

27-Title: Rational self-medication practices among dairy farmers:  An exploratory study

Authors: Kritika Verma, SK Kansal and Jaswinder Singh

Source: Ruminant Science (2022)-11(2):387-392.

How to cite this manuscript: Verma Kritika, Kansal SK and Singh Jaswinder (2022). Rational self-medication practices among dairy farmers:  An exploratory study. Ruminant Science 11(2):387-392.


The indiscriminate use of veterinary drugs in the dairy sector is hyped much concerning emerging antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Self-medication by dairy farmers is supposed to be the major reason behind this. The present study therefore executed to explore the factor influencing the self-medication among dairy farmers vis a vis their source of information for the same. A well-structured and pre-tested interview schedule was used for the data collection from the peri-urban dairy farmers (n=360). Out of total, 54.72 per cent of the respondents surveyed were found doing self-medication. Occasional/non-availability of government veterinary service (78.33%) at the farm gate or during odd hours coupled with easy availability of non-qualified persons (69.44%) even during odd hours tilt the farmers towards the latter. Nearby drug shops (<1km distance) and easy availability of veterinary drugs over the counter from them even without prescription (62.50%) was another reason. The majority of respondents (77.50%) were found to use the old prescribed veterinary medicine in case of a new incidence of disease without knowing about the disease. Mobile (71.94%), Internet (62.50%) and family members (61.94%) were found to be the major sources of information on self-medication. More awareness among farmers, stringent regulation on non-qualified persons and policies for veterinary drug use and sales are some of the steps needed to curb this issue of self-medication.


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