50-Title: Ultrasonographic findings of liver, spleen and kidneys in 30 Barbari goats

50-Title: Ultrasonographic findings of liver, spleen and kidneys in 30 Barbari goats

Authors: Prafull K Singh, Vineet Kumar, V Malik and Surbhi K Tyagi

Source: Ruminant Science (2022)-11(2):505-508.

How to cite this manuscript: Singh Prafull K, Kumar Vineet, Malik V and Tyagi Surbhi K (2022). Ultrasonographic findings of liver, spleen and kidneys in 30 Barbari goats. Ruminant Science 11(2):505-508.


We aimed to determine the ultrasonographic findings of the liver, spleen and kidneys after transabdominal ultrasonographic examination in 30 healthy adult Barbari goats. The liver capsule thickness was 0.56±0.025 mm. The portal vein was circular to oval in cross-section with stellate ramifications. The gallbladder was pear-shaped and was seen in the 9th to 10th intercostal space (ICS). Gallbladder length and width were found to be 17.11±2.88 mm and 9.79±0.39 mm, respectively. The gallbladder wall thickness was 0.71±0.05 mm. The gallbladder surface area and circumference were 245.50±48.41 mm2 and 67±7.79 mm, respectively. The left and right kidneys were seen from the right flank. The right kidney was seen at the 12th ICS and below the lumbar vertebrae from L1 to L2. The left kidney was seen below the lumbar vertebrae L4 to L5. The right kidney’s capsule, cortex and medulla thickness were found to be 0.55±0.02 mm, 5.23±0.26 mm and 6.04±0.34 mm, respectively. The right kidney length and thickness were 36.33±1.42 mm and 27.67±0.88 mm, respectively. The left kidney’s capsule, cortex and medulla thickness were found to be 0.55±0.07 mm, 5.74±0.48 mm and 7.49±0.57 mm, respectively. Left kidney length and thickness were 39.26±1.62 mm and 32.04±1.02 mm, respectively. The spleen was located from the left 8th to 12th ICSs. Capsule thickness and spleen thickness were found to be 0.49±0.04 mm and 20.62±1.34 mm, respectively. The ultrasonographic findings described in this study can be used to diagnose morphologic changes in the respective visceral organs of Barbari goats.


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