Authors: Poornima Gumasta, Amita Dubey, Madhu Swamy and Yamini Verma
Source: Ruminant Science (2018)-7(2):225-227.
Cite this reference as: Gumasta Poornima, Dubey Amita, Swamy Madhu and Verma Yamini (2018). incidence of cadmium concentration in visceral organs of bovine in Jabalpur. Ruminant Science 7(2):225-227.
Present study designed to assess the cadmium (Cd) concentration in visceral organs of bovine. Tissue samples like liver, kidneys and lungs were collected at random manner from the 62 animals found dead near different areas of Jabalpur. All the samples subjected for acid digestion and cadmium detection by microwave digester and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), respectively. Results revealed that all the tissue samples showed obvious presence of Cadmium. Maximum concentration of Cd observed in kidneys followed by liver and lungs. None of the tissue sample crossed the minimum toxic dose but some considerable amount of samples was found under risk. Data indicates towards the pollution status of Jabalpur area.
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