Title: Role of rural women in rearing of Gangatiri cattle in Uttar Pradesh
Authors: Puspendra Kumar Singh, Gopal Sankhala, PK Singh and Jyoti Manjusha
Source: Ruminant Science (2017)-6(1):109-112.
Cite this reference as: Singh Puspendra Kumar, Sankhala Gopal, Singh PK and Manjusha Jyoti (2017). Role of rural women in rearing of Gangatiri cattle in Uttar Pradesh. Ruminant Science 6(1):109-112.
Livestock sector plays a multi-faceted role in socio-economic development of rural households; therefore, it is an essential component of the agriculture system providing an additional source of income and nutritional cover to a large section of the rural population. Rural women perform numerous labour intensive works in cattle rearing. Present study was conducted in Ghazipur and Varanasi districts of eastern Uttar Pradesh among resource poor farmers, who are also dependent on Gangatiri cattle rearing for their livelihood. Data was collected from 108 households. Based on the study, it was found that rural women contribute significantly in cattle husbandry. Contribution of women in general management, feeding practices, breeding practices, healthcare management and product preparation/marketing were found to be 65.43%, 67.90%, 47.45%, 82.41% and 57.41%, respectively. The results state that 75.9%, 80.6%, 32.4%, 82.4%, 63%, 76.9%, 85.2%, 20.4%, 67.6% and 65.7% involvement respectively in transport of dry and green fodder, preparation of feeds/fodder, grazing of cattle herd, cleaning of cattle shed/mangers/troughs etc., Cleaning of animals, feeding and watering of cattle, cleaning of utensils, milking of cows, making of milk products and marketing of milk and milk products. The study revealed that women are efficiently managing cattle rearing along with their family responsibilities. In view of the results obtained in this study, it is suggested to organize suitable training programmes on cattle husbandry for the women in different parts of the country so as to develop scientific skill among them.
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