Title: Epidemiological study of ketosis in lactating buffaloes in Jabalpur district of Madhya Pradesh
Authors: Priya Waliya, DK Gupta, A Mourya, RPS Baghel, PC Shukla, V Sharma and Shivangi Pathak
Source: Ruminant Science (2017)-6(1):129-132.
Cite this reference as: Waliya Priya, Gupta DK, Mourya A, Baghel RPS, Shukla PC, Sharma V and Pathak Shivangi (2017). Epidemiological study of ketosis in lactating buffaloes in Jabalpur district of Madhya Pradesh. Ruminant Science 6(1):129-132.
In the present study a total of 159 lactating buffaloes were screened for ketosis from various organized and unorganized dairy sectors in and around Jabalpur. The overall occurrence of the ketosis in buffaloes was recorded as 18.60 per cent (30/159). Higher occurrence of ketosis was recorded in the unorganized sector 24.32 per cent in comparison to organize sector. Buffaloes were found to be most prone to ketosis in early lactation and which were of 4-6 parity (32.80%). Some of the major clinical signs in all ketotic buffaloes were sudden drop in milk production, selective feeding, wasting body condition, ketotic odour of breath and nervous signs.
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