Effect of non-genetic factors on milk yield and milk constituents in Karan Fries cattle

Title: Effect of non-genetic factors on milk yield and milk constituents in Karan Fries cattle

Authors: Alok Kumar Yadav, Anupama Mukherjee, Shabahat Mumtaz, Suchit Kumar and Prajwalita Pathak

Source: Ruminant Science (2017)-6(2):225-230.

Cite this reference as: Yadav Alok Kumar, Mukherjee Anupama, Mumtaz Shabahat, Kumar Suchit and Pathak Prajwalita (2017). Effect of non-genetic factors on milk yield and milk constituents in Karan Fries cattle. Ruminant Science 6(2):225-230.


The present study pertained to records on milk production and milk constituents of 115 Karan Fries cattle. The data collected over a period of 2004 to 2016 from Animal Genetics and Breeding division of ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana. To study the effect of various non-genetic factors on milk yield and milk constituent’s traits, mixed model least square analysis was used. Overall least square mean for all lactation traits revealed that in the present study the first lactation 305 days milk yield, first lactation total milk yield, first lactation 305 days fat yield, first lactation 305 days SNF yield, first lactation 305 days protein yield in Karan Fries cattle were found to be 3392.85±148.35 kg, 4573.77±310.01 kg, 145.90±6.37 kg, 258.92±11.47 kg and 89.67±5.38 kg, respectively. In the present study, non significant effect of season of calving, period of calving and age at first calving were found on first lactation 305 days milk yield in Karan Fries cattle. The period of calving, age at first calving and season of calving had non-significant effect on first lactation total milk yield. However, in this study effect of period of calving was found to be significant on first lactation 305 days fat yield in Karan Fries cattle. Season of calving and age at first calving had non-significant effect on first lactation 305 days fat yield in Karan Fries cattle. The period of calving, season of calving and age at first calving had non significant effect on FL305 DSNFY in Karan Fries cattle.  In this study period of calving had significant effect on and FL305DPY in Karan Fries cattle.


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