Title: Knowledge of scientific feeding practices among dairy farmers of Palus tehsil of Sangli district
Authors: PV Patil and MK Patil
Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(1):43-46.
Cite this reference as: Patil PV and Patil MK (2016). Knowledge of scientific feeding practices among dairy farmers of Palus tehsil of Sangli district. Ruminant Science 5(1):43-46.
The present study was carried out in 10 selected villages of Palus tehsil of Sangli district of Maharashtra state. A total of 100 farmers were selected for this study. Out of which 50 farmers owning less than 5 numbers of farm animals and 50 farmers owning more than 5 farm animals were selected by using proportionate random sampling method. Data were collected through personal interview method and data were analyzed statistically. It was observed that there was lack of adequate scientific knowledge in overall all feeding practices. Only few of the farmers were adopted scientific feeding practices.
It is concluded that effective adoption of scientific feeding definitely makes dairy farming more profitable, but there is need of percolation of scientific knowledge and package of practices regarding scientific feeding of animal’s upto farmer’s doorstep for further development of dairy farming.
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