Clinical evaluation of an indigenous practice against subclinical mastitis

Title: Clinical evaluation of an indigenous practice against subclinical mastitis

Authors: Omavati Rathore, Geeta Rathore, Chetan Patel, Amol S Kinhekar, Neelam Mangwani, Vivek Kumar, Ravikumar RK and Vipin Kumar

Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(1):95-98.

Cite this reference as: Rathore Omavati, Rathore Geeta, Patel Chetan, Kinhekar Amol S, Mangwani Neelam, Kumar Vivek, Ravikumar RK and Kumar Vipin (2016). Clinical evaluation of an indigenous practice against subclinical mastitis. Ruminant Science 5(1):95-98.


The indigenous medicinal practice has been clinically evaluated by examining subclinical mastitis (SCM) in farm field. About 45 quarters were examined and 12 quarters (26.66%) were confirmed for SCM with California Mastitis Test. The herbal preparation was given to affected animals and improvements were recorded. The scored data were statistically analysed using paired‘t’ test. The calculated value of t0.05 for 11 d.f was 2.61which was more than the table value (t0.05, 11=2.20) referring significant efficacy of medication against SCM.


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