Title: Predicting nutrient utilization on the basis of feed composition using Cornell net carbohydrate and protein system and three stage in vitro digestibility method
Authors: Sonam Dixit, SS Kundu, Goutam Mondal, Swati Shivani and Ritika Gupta
Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(2):193-200.
Cite this reference as: Dixit Sonam, Kundu SS, Mondal Goutam, Shivani Swati and Gupta Ritika (2016). Predicting nutrient utilization on the basis of feed composition using Cornell net carbohydrate and protein system and three stage in vitro digestibility method. Ruminant Science 5(2):193-200.
The present investigation was carried out to predict the utilization of protein from feed composition using in vitro methodologies, and to correlate the compositional characteristics to their utilization. Twelve concentrate feeds were evaluated for their nutrient composition as per Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS). The in vitro dry matter (IVDMD), organic matter (IVOMD) and crude protein digestibility (IVCPD) were determined by three stage digestibility method. Oilcakes and meals (soyabean meal, mustard cake, cottonseed cake, deoiled groundnut cake and guar meal) contained higher fast degrading carbohydrate CA fraction (37.98 to 43.98) and intermediately degradable protein
fraction PB2 (32.53 to 49.70) but were lower in unavailable PC fraction (1.41 to 3.62%). Agro industrial byproducts (maize gluten meal, wheat bran, gram churi and rice bran) were higher in CC (5.23 to 11.78) and PB2 (37.28 to 62.95%). Grains (maize, sorghum and barley) contained highest CB1 (43.72 to 72.15), PB2 (48.92 to 61.58) and lowest CC (1.02 to 6.19%). At ruminal stage, lowest (P<0.05) IVDMD was in maize gluten meal (49.94) and highest (P<0.05) in deoiled groundnut cake (78.34). IVOMD (%) ranged from 83.29 (gram churi) to 97.79 (soyabean meal) at intestinal level. Deoiled groundnut cake contained highest (P<0.05) IVCPD (84.62, 92.55 and 96.33% respectively) at all the three stages. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the protein fractions predicted in vitro crude protein digestibility for protein rich oilcakes and meals, whereas carbohydrate fractions for carbohydrate rich agricultural byproducts well with high R2 value. However, no significant equation could be formulated for grains. A positive correlation (P<0.01 and R2 0.55) was found between IVCPD at ruminal and abomasal level; however, at intestinal level, non significant correlation was observed. CNCPS analysis and three stage digestibility figures have been found in accordance to earlier reports. The prediction equations showed that the compositional specificities are responsible for the fate of feed items in the biological system. Correlation analysis revealed that feed composition has major impact only upto ruminal and abomasal levels, due to complexity of factors involved at intestinal level.
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