19-Title: Haematological studies in Rambouillet sheep during seasonal migration in Jammu region
Authors: Ankush Reothia, J Devi, K Kour and A Koul
Source: Ruminant Science (2015)-4(2):207-212.
How to cite this manuscript: Reothia Ankush, Devi J, Kour K and Koul A (2015). Haematological studies in Rambouillet sheep during seasonal migration in Jammu region. Ruminant Science 4(2):207-212.
The present investigation was undertaken to study some physiological parameters in migratory Rambouillet sheep during seasonal migration from Government Sheep Breeding Farm, Billawar to high altitude, Sarthal (J&K). Animals were divided into 4 groups, group A (male sheep of 1-2 years), group B (male sheep of 2-4 years), group C (female sheep of 1-2years) and group D (female sheep of 2-4 years). Blood samples were collected during uphill and downhill migration and were analyzed for haemoglobin and DLC by conventional method. During uphill migration, non significant decreases of haemoglobin concentration were recorded from 1st to 3rd collection and then the concentration increased up to 6th collection. Highest concentration was recorded at high altitude pasture (6th collection) in all the groups. Significant decrease (P<0.01) in haemoglobin concentration were recorded at 9th collection as compared to the values at starting of downhill migration (7th collection), approaching a normal value in all groups. The haemoglobin concentration was found higher in adult as compared to younger and higher in male as compared to the female Rambouillet sheep. During uphill migration, granulocyte percentage increased from base station to high altitude; whereas, agranulocyte percentage showed a decreasing trend. On the other hand, in downhill migration, granulocyte percentage decreased and agranulocyte percentage increased. Higher agranulocyte percentage was recorded in younger male sheep as compared with other groups. It can be concluded that all the four groups of migratory Rambouillet sheep were under stress condition at mid stations and immediately after uphill migration, but adapted to the alpine pasture condition very quickly. Among the groups, adult males were more adapted than female and young ones.
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