3-Title: Micrometrical studies on the prenatal development of the lungs in goat (Capra hircus)
Authors: Vikas Sharma, Kamal Sarma and Jonali Devi
Source: Ruminant Science (2015)-4(2):145-148.
How to cite this manuscript: Sharma Vikas, Sarma Kamal and Devi Jonali (2015). Micrometrical studies on the prenatal development of the lungs in goat (Capra hircus). Ruminant Science 4(2):145-148.
The present study was conducted on the lungs of eighteen goat fetuses to elucidate the micrometrical aspects of the lung tissue during various stages of prenatal life. The fetuses were divided into three age groups viz. group-I (0-50 days), group-II (50-100 days) and group-III (100-150 days). It was observed that, during the prenatal development, although the mean number of bronchioles per field of the tissue of all the lobes of the developing lung of the left lung increased with the advancement of the foetal age, it did not show a significant increase as compared to the right lung within each age group. However, the overall increase of the number of bronchioles per field of the lung tissue pertaining to all the lobes of the lung were significant (P<0.05) between age groups I & III and II & III. Similar trend of growth was seen in regard to cross sectional diameter of terminal bronchioles of lung tissue. However, the parameters in regard to the number of alveoli per field of lung tissue, diameter of alveoli of lung tissue and interalveolar septal thickness of lung tissue were recorded only in the goat fetuses of group-III. The maximum values pertaining to diameter of alveoli and interalveolar septal thickness were recorded in apical lobe whereas; the minimum values were seen in cardiac lobe and accessory lobe, respectively. Again, number of alveoli per field of lung tissue was found to be maximum in diaphragmatic lobes and minimum in apical lobe of the lungs.
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