14-Title: Feed resources for livestock in Afghanistan
Authors: Sina Gul, Tawheed Ali Azeemiand and Muhammad Tariq
Source: Ruminant Science (2014)-3(1):63-66.
How to cite this manuscript: Gul Sina, Azeemiand Tawheed Ali and Tariq Muhammad (2014). Feed resources for livestock in Afghanistan. Ruminant Science 3(1):63-66.
Afghanistan’s agricultural infrastructure has been decimated by years of conflict, and, recently from severe drought. Because of this, there has been very little technical advancement in the agricultural development in Afghanistan. But even under these unfavourable circumstances livestock is contributing immensely to the domestic needs and livelihood of Afghan people. Livestock production by nature is a low investment activity in Afghanistan. It contributes 23% to the national GDP. The provision of the good quality (well nutritive) feedstuffs is likely to be most limiting factor in increasing the livestock production in the developing countries. Livestock improvement demands efficient use of the available feed resources. This paper reviews the extent of feed sources available in Afghanistan, their potential in completing the animal needs, their seasonal availability and take overview of gap between demand and supply. It describes the different aspects of fodder crops, concentrate feeding, range resources, unconventional feed resources, and nutrients requirements of the farm animals. It further tries to delineate the strategies to use these resources efficiently by livestock and cope with the future threats confronting the livestock sector and thereby taking full advantage out of this most important sub-sector.
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