7-Title: Occurrence of pathological conditions affecting the oral cavity in sheep (Ovis aries)

Authors: Naresh Sharma, Indu Vyas, Hemant Dadhich, Sunita Rani, Jasraj Soni and Manisha Mathur

Source: Ruminant Science (2013)-2(1):37-39.

How to cite this manuscript: Sharma Naresh, Vyas Indu, Dadhich Hemant, Rani Sunita, Soni Jasraj and Mathur Manisha (2013). Occurrence of pathological conditions affecting the oral cavity in sheep (Ovis aries). Ruminant Science 2(1):37-39.


This study was undertaken to investigate the occurrence and pathology of naturally occurring oral lesions in sheep in Rajasthan. In the present investigation, 205 samples of oral cavity were randomly examined from sheep irrespective of age, sex, and breed. Out of these, 85 samples showing gross lesions were collected and further evaluated for histopathological examination. The overall occurrence of pathological conditions affecting the oral cavity of sheep was 41.46 per cent. The various forms of affections were classified as chelitis (4.62%), gingivitis (8.79%), ulcerative stomatitis (5.55%), ulcerative glossitis (2.77%), sarcosporidiosis in tongue (8.33%) and hyperkeratosis in tongue (0.92%).


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