9-Title: A study of pathological conditions in buffalo intestine
Authors: Anita Bhati, Archana Shringi, Indu Vyas, Vijay Mandovera and Sunita Rani
Source: Ruminant Science (2013)-2(1):43-44.
How to cite this manuscript: Bhati Anita, Shringi Archana, Vyas Indu, Mandovera Vijay and Rani Sunita (2013). A study of pathological conditions in buffalo intestine. Ruminant Science 2(1):43-44.
In the present investigation 750 samples of small intestine were examined from buffaloes of different age groups, breeds and either sex. Out of these, 189 samples showing frank gross lesions were collected and tissue sections from these were subjected for histopathological examination. An overall occurrence of various pathological conditions affecting the small intestine of buffalo was observed as 25.2%. The various forms of affections were classified as Atrophy 26.98%, Congestion 19.57%, Haemorrhage 14.81, Acute catarrhal enteritis 13.22%, Chronic catarrhal enteritis 5.82%, Haemorrhagic enteritis 4.76%, Necrotic enteritis 4.23%, Necro-haemorrhagic enteritis 2.11%, Fibrinous enteritis 1.58%, Eosinophilic enteritis 0.52%, Paracooperiosis 1.05%, Monieziosis 0.52%, Paratuberculosis 2.11%, Tubular adenoma 1.05%, Lipogranuloma 1.05% and Non- specific inflammatory condition of muscularis 0.52%.
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