16-Title: Antibiotic sensitivity pattern of repeat breeder cow cervico-vaginal mucous

Authors: DB Bhoi, TV Sutaria, DN Suthar and AI Dadawala

Source: Ruminant Science (2013)-2(1):71-72.

How to cite this manuscript: Bhoi DB, Sutaria TV, Suthar DN and Dadawala AI (2013). Antibiotic sensitivity pattern of repeat breeder cow cervico-vaginal mucous.  Ruminant Science 2(1):71-72.


The present study was undertaken on fifty normal cyclic cows which failed to conceive even after two inseminations. The cervico vaginal mucus from these animals was collected and subjected to antibiotic sensitivity test. The range of resistance varied from 0.4% for gentamicin to 97.8% for oxytetracycline. An assessment of the extent of resistance to the 14 antibiotics revealed highest resistance to oxytetracycline (95.8%) followed by lincomycin (51.5%), bacitracin (40.5%), triple sulpha (34.2%), methicillin (32.1%), streptomycin (31.2%), colymycin (28.7%), novobiocin (24.9%), erythromycin (23.2%), kanamycin (18.6%), penicillin (13.1%), ampicillin (8.0%), chloramphenicol (6 %) and gentamycin (0.4%). Repeat breeder cows were treated with gentamicin 800-1200 mg and resulted in 73.91 per cent conception (34 out of 46 cows) at first A.I. and 15.21 per cent (7 out of 46 cows) in the subsequent AI.


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