18-Title: Feeding and resting behaviour of lactating Kankrej cows under different housing systems
Authors: HD Chauhan, HA Patel and BH Priyadarshi
Source: Ruminant Science (2012)-1(2):173-176.
How to cite this manuscript: Chauhan HD, Patel HA and Priyadarshi BH (2012). Feeding and resting behaviour of lactating Kankrej cows under different housing systems. Ruminant Science 1(2):173-176.
Feeding and resting behaviour of lactating Kankrej cows was noted under three housing systems, viz. First group was provided RCC shed (T1), second group was kept under Thatched roof (T2) and third group was provided Tree shelter (T3). Fodder eating time was significantly (P<0.01) higher under T1 (292.15±4.32 min). Significantly higher feeding activity was observed in day time as compared to night in all treatments. In summer season standing idle time was significantly (P<0.05) higher under T1 (299.34±3.15 min). Sitting lying ruminating time was significantly higher in T3 (278.93±2.09 min) in summer season as compared to T1 (233.20±2.13 min) and T2 (219.5±2.14 min), while in monsoon and winter season, it was significantly higher in T1 (270.30±2.11 and 259.10±3.26 min, respectively). Sleeping pattern in all the seasons did not differ significantly between treatments. However, it was significantly (P<0.05) higher in night as compared to day. Frequencies of defecation and urination did not differ due to treatments but was significantly higher in day. Feeding temperament score was not affected by seasons or treatments.
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