19-Title: Study of physiological effects of oxidative stress in buffalo calves from arid tracts

Authors: Tanvi D Bhavsar, Sunil Arora, Ruchi Maan and Nalini Kataria

Source: Ruminant Science (2020)-9(1):91-94.


How to cite this manuscript: Bhavsar Tanvi D, Arora Sunil, Maan Ruchi and Kataria Nalini (2020). Study of physiological effects of oxidative stress in buffalo calves from arid tracts. Ruminant Science 9(1):91-94.


The present exploration was designed to access the oxidative stress due to heat stress by analyzing serum glutathione reductase and serum pepsinogen level in buffalo calves of arid tract of Rajasthan. The overall mean values of serum glutathione reductase and pepsinogen were significantly (p0.05) higher during dry-hot and humid-hot environmental temperature period (ETP) as compared to moderate ETP mean overall value. During humid-hot, the activity of serum glutathione reductase and pepsinogen was found maximum. In the present study, it was observed that buffalo calves developed stress of great magnitude during humid-hot ETP as compared to dry-hot ETP. Female calves developed greater stress and exhibited greater modulation of organ functions. It was observed that the older group (4-6 months) of calves developed greater stress than the younger group. Observation acquired in the present study marked the humid-hot as callous environmental temperature period followed by dry-hot. The appraisal of the extent of involvement of abomasum environmental stress and development of oxidative stress in the form of values can be constructive to redefine the role of abiotic stressors and data can be employed for clinical diagnosis and in making health supervision strategies of calves.


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