23-Title: Socio-economic profile and knowledge level of camel owners about scientific management practices in arid zone of Rajasthan
Authors: Kamlesh Kumar Dhawal, Devi Singh Rajput, Neeraj Kumar Sharma, Pankaj Mishra and Maina Kumari
Source: Ruminant Science (2020)-9(1):107-112.
How to cite this manuscript: Dhawal Kamlesh Kumar, Rajput Devi Singh, Sharma Neeraj Kumar, Mishra Pankaj and Kumari Maina (2020). Socio-economic profile and knowledge level of camel owners about scientific management practices in arid zone of Rajasthan. Ruminant Science 9(1):107-112.
The present study was conducted in the arid zone of Rajasthan, to assess the socio-economic profile and knowledge level of camel owners about scientific management practices. Data were collected from randomly selected 120 camel owners who possess the camel for their livelihood from two purposively selected districts i.e. Bikaner and Jaisalmer of Rajasthan state. The findings revealed that the average age of respondents was 46 years, majority of them was illiterate, having medium and semi-medium land holding size, low social participation and average 5 camels per family. Only 8 per cent of camel owners were earning above Rs. 50 thousand from camel keeping per year. Family members, villagers and television were the major sources of information. Majority of the respondents had a medium level of knowledge about all aspects of camel management i.e. feeding, breeding, health care and management. The finding of overall knowledge reflected that about 87.5 per cent of camel owners had medium, followed by high (11.67%) and low (0.83%) level of knowledge. Further, knowledge was positively and significantly associated with education, extension contact, mass media exposure and adoption level of scientific camel management practices (p<0.01), whereas land holding and social participation were also found associated positively and significantly (p<0.05).
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