3-Title: Fortuitous acute salt poisoning in Kenguri sheep-An investigational study
Authors: NB Shridhar, K Sindhu, G Chandrashekar, Abdul Saddam, U Sunilchandra, B Kavitha Rani and SS Manjunatha
Source: Ruminant Science (2020)-9(2):223-228.
How to cite this manuscript: Shridhar NB, Sindhu K, Chandrashekar G, Saddam Abdul, Sunilchandra U, Rani BK and Manjunatha SS (2020). Fortuitous acute salt poisoning in Kenguri sheep-An investigational study. Ruminant Science 9(2):223-228.
A total thirty-five Kenguri sheep were found dead immediately after exhibiting the nervous signs from Garad district of Karnataka State. Circumstantial evidence suggested that the animals died suddenly due to over dosage of salt in drinking water. Animals were thoroughly examined for other toxicological evidences. Post-mortem examination revealed extensive pulmonary haemorrhage, congestion and edematous changes in the brain and gastrointestinal tract, right ventricular hypertrophy along with coronary vessel congestion and hydropericardium indicating extensive vascular damage due to acute toxicity. Respective samples were collected and sent for toxicological analysis. Histopathological findings suggested neuronal shrinkage, peri-neuronal spaces, cerebral oedema, pulmonary congestion, haemorrhages and oedema, splenic congestion and degeneration in visceral organs, probably attributed to sodium chloride poisoning or hypernatremia or water deprivation.
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