17-Title: Contemplation of non-genetic factor affecting body condition scoring in Surti buffaloes
Authors: KK Tyagi, LM Sorathiya, VB Kharadi, MD Patel, A Gupta and DK Yadav
Source: Ruminant Science (2020)-9(2):297-302.
How to cite this manuscript: Tyagi KK, Sorathiya LM, Kharadi VB, Patel MD, Gupta A and Yadav DK (2020). Contemplation of non-genetic factor affecting body condition scoring in Surti buffaloes. Ruminant Science 9(2):297-302.
In the present study data on body condition scoring was collected on 169 Surti buffaloes repeatedly over a period of 5 years constituting total 1270 observations. Buffaloes were body condition scored using four different scoring methods designated as BCS1, BCS2, BCS3 and BCS4. Data were categorized for the three different fixed factors at the time of observation viz. physiological status of buffalo, season and the year as a source of variation. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS 20.0 software. The overall Mean±SE BCS was found to be 3.46±0.01, 3.45±0.01, 4.85±0.02 and 4.96±0.03 by using four different methods in Surti buffaloes. The fixed factors used under the study were able to explain 22.1, 20.1, 11.9 and 14.7 per cent variation in BCS respectively using four methods. The difference of BCS among different physiological status, seasons and years were found to be highly significant in all four methods. The robustness of the various fixed factors was in the following order: Season>Physiological Stage>Year, with season as a most determining source of variation with highest and significant R2 change (0.174). Thus, it can be inferred that mean BCS obtained in a buffalo herd should at least be corrected for season effect using least square correction factors before subjecting the data to further analysis.
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