42-Title: Clinical management of urinary surgical conditions in ruminants
Authors: S Purohit, Atul Yadav, Ankit Negi, PVV Reddy, Arpit Kaushal, Kaushal, Gulshan Kumar and RP Pandey
Source: Ruminant Science (2020)-9(2):419-428.
How to cite this manuscript: Purohit S, Yadav Atul, Negi Ankit, Reddy PVV, Kaushal Arpit, Kaushal, Kumar Gulshan and Pandey RP (2020). Clinical management of urinary surgical conditions in ruminants. Ruminant Science 9(2):419-428.
The present study was conducted on 173 animals suffering from different types of affections of the urinary system of which 23.12% were cows, 38.73% buffaloes, 24.28% goats and 13.87% sheep, which on anamnesis and clinical examination revealed obstructive urolithiasis (84.48%), urachus pervious (9.25%) and urethral diverticulum (5.78%). In selected cases, ultrasonographic and radiographic examinations were conducted to assess the organ’s condition and adhesions. The animals suffering from obstructive urolithiasis (n=147) were treated by amputation of the urethral process (6.8%), urethrotomy & urethrostomy (7.45%) and tube cystotomy (85.72%). The animals suffering with urachus pervious (n=16) were managed by conservative and surgical ligation of the urachus, while with urethral diverticulum were treated by urethral diverticulectomy (5.78%). Amputation of the urethral process should be conducted prior to shifting to other surgical processes in bucks and rams. The conservative treatment of urachus pervious should be tried before the surgical ligation in all animals. In ruminants, tube cystotomy was found to be a more appropriate and cost-effective treatment for the rupture of the urinary bladder and urethra. Ammonium chloride @ 400 mg/kg body weight helped to dislodge the calculi in ruminants. It is recommended to feed ammonium chloride and sodium chloride to prevent calculi formation by increasing the acidity and volume of the urine, respectively.
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