Title: Age related histomorphological studies on the hemal nodes of Indian buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
Authors: Jaideep Kaur, Opinder Singh and Devendra Pathak
Source: Ruminant Science (2018)-7(1):55-58.
Cite this reference as: Kaur Jaideep, Singh Opinder and Pathak Devendra (2018). Age related histomorphological studies on the hemal nodes of Indian buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Ruminant Science 7(1):55-58.
The present study was conducted on 12 buffaloes (6 calves and 6 adult) to elucidate the histomorphological features of hemal nodes. Histomorphological observations revealed that the hemal nodes were surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue. There was progressive increase in thickness of capsule with age. Few connective tissue trabeculae extended from the capsule into the parenchyma. Beneath the capsule, a wide subcapsular sinus was present which was filled with erythrocytes and few lymphocytes were also observed. Connective tissue trabeculae from the capsule surrounded the trabecular sinuses which remain filled with erythrocytes and were lined by endothelial cells. The parenchyma of hemal node was divided into outer cortex, paracortex and medulla. Lymphoid aggregates were observed in the cortex regions which were irregularly arranged in calves and in follicular form in adult buffaloes. Diffused lymphocytes were observed in paracortex region. Germinal centers were observed in majority of lymphoid follicles. Medulla consisted of medullary sinuses filled with erythrocytes and irregularly arranged lymphatic cords. The histomorphology of hemal nodes changed with increase in age and involutory changes were observed at six years of age.
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