20-Title: Kidding pattern of Pantja goat under farm condition
Authors: Vandana, Jyoti Palod, Brijesh Kumar and DV Singh
Source: Ruminant Science (2013)-2(2):211-213.
How to cite this manuscript: Vandana, Palod Jyoti, Kumar Brijesh and Singh DV (2013). Kidding pattern of Pantja goat under farm condition. Ruminant Science 2(2):211-213.
Pantja are the local goats of Tarai region of Uttarakhand. They are recognized for similarity with deer in their morphological characteristics. Present investigation was carried out on Goat maintained at Department of Livestock Production and Management, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Pantnagar during March 2010 to November 2010. The experiment was carried out on a total of 20 primiparous local Pantja goats. The results of the experiment indicated that the percentage of male and female kids born were 52.5 and 47.5 respectively while the percentage of twin birth and single kidding was 60 and 40, respectively. Among singlets born 40 per cent were male while 60 per cent female. Temporal distribution of kidding revealed that during 12.00 to 18.00 hr maximum kidding took place (52 per cent), whereas minimum kidding took place between 18.00-24.00 hr (4 per cent).
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