8-Title: Seasonal prevalence of amphistomosis in ruminants in Sikkim
Authors: Papri Pal, LR Chatlod and RK Avasthe
Source: Ruminant Science (2014)-3(2):171-175.
How to cite this manuscript: Pal Papri, Chatlod LR and Avasthe RK (2014). Seasonal prevalence of amphistomosis in ruminants in Sikkim. Ruminant Science 3(2):171-175.
Seasonal prevalence of amphistomosis in ruminants viz., cattle, goats and sheep were carried out in Sikkim during April 2008 to March 2010 using standard parasitological procedure. Coprological examination of 3920 cattle, 3342 goats and 591 sheep revealed an overall prevalence of 6.56%, 3.56% and 7.08% infection, respectively. Overall seasonal incidence revealed that the animals were most affected during summer (7.11%) and autumn season (6.28%) and least during winter dry season (2.52%). Monthly prevalence of amphistomosis indicated highest prevalence in cattle (12.11%) and sheep (11.86%) in the month of June and goats (6.13%) in August. There were no significant differences in abundance rates between sexes of animals. Based on the observations it may be suggested that animals should not be allowed to graze near moistured pasture during summer i.e., in the rainy season and also in post – rainy season and effective anthelmintics might be given at least twice a year, once during April to May and again in July to September.
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