Title: Effect of rumen protected lysine and methionine supplementation on growth and feed conversion efficiency in Jaffrabadi heifers
Authors: MD Odedra, K Ravikala, KS Murthy, KS Dutta, RJ Padodara and SN Ghodasara
Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(2):205-209.
Cite this reference as: Odedra MD, Ravikala K, Murthy KS, Dutta KS, Padodara RJ and Ghodasara SN (2016). Effect of rumen protected lysine and methionine supplementation on growth and feed conversion efficiency in Jaffrabadi heifers. Ruminant Science 5(2):205-209.
An experiment was conducted to evaluate incorporation of rumen protected lysine (LYS) and methionine (MET) on growth, biometry and feed conversion efficiency in Jaffrabadi buffalo heifers. Eighteen buffalo heifers were randomized and divided in to three groups of six each, received one of the following dietary treatments for a period of 180 days: T1- Protein requirement met through Concentrate mixture, T2-Protein requirement met through cottonseed cake and concentrate mixture (50:50) and T3-In addition to protein requirement through concentrate mixture, rumen bypass LYS and MET @ 5.0 g and 2.5 g /day/animal were supplemented. Heifers of T3 group gained significantly (p<0.05) higher body weight and ADG. Overall increase in height at withers, heart girth and body length was linear and positive throughout the experiment. Period and treatment had no effect on the pelvic girdle (cm) measurements in buffalo heifers. Overall dry matter intake (g/kg W0.75) was 112.45 ±0.47, 115.36±0.13 and 111.71±0.15 with mean feed conversion efficiency for the entire experimental period was 17.22±2.13, 16.34±0.77 and 15.22 ±0.63 (DMI kg/kg gain) for three groups respectively. Thus indicated improvement in growth performance of Jaffrabadi heifers when supplemented rumen protected LYS and MET over and above the requirement.
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