Title: Sharing livestock related information through whatsapp among livestock owners: An appraisal
Authors: Devesh Thakur and Mahesh Chander
Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(2):267-270.
Cite this reference as: Thakur Devesh and Chander Mahesh (2016). Sharing livestock related information through whatsapp among livestock owners: An appraisal. Ruminant Science 5(2):267-270.
An experimental study was conducted among 96 WhatsApp users engaged in farming and livestock rearing in Himachal Pradesh. Most of them used WhatsApp frequently with 60.4% reported to use it, once in three days. An experimental WhatsApp group was created involving them as members. Over the six months period, substantial amount of posts (131) related to animal husbandry were shared by farmer members. Majority of these posts pertained to dairy farming and shared in the form of queries and photos. This platform offers an opportunity to deliver information in a more participative format. The animal husbandry development stakeholders should therefore explore this tool to enhance the scope and coverage of livestock extension.
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