Title: Diagnosis and therapeutic management of hemorrhagic septicemia: a case report in 4 buffaloes
Authors: Ravi Shankar Kumar Mandal, Aishwarya Lekshman, Ankush Rana, Chandrakiran Gaykwad, Surender Kumar, Abinav Suthar N, Prasanna Vadhana, DB Mondal and SK Dixit
Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(2):287-289.
Cite this reference as: Mandal Ravi Shankar Kumar, Lekshman Aishwarya, Rana Ankush, Gaykwad Chandrakiran, Kumar Surender, Suthar NA, Vadhana Prasanna, Mondal DB and Dixit SK (2016). Diagnosis and therapeutic management of hemorrhagic septicemia: a case report in 4 buffaloes. Ruminant Science 5(2):287-289.
Four buffaloes with the history of pyrexia, brisket odema along with severe respiratory distress were presented to Referral Veterinary Polyclinic (RVP), IVRI. The cases were tentatively diagnosed as Hemorrhagic Septicemia and therapy was initiated against the same. For confirmatory diagnosis bacterial culture and Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of the collected samples were performed. Leukocytosis with neutrophilia and mild reduction in hemoglobin level observed on hematological examination. Bacteriological culture of blood sample revealed non hemolytic small glistening mucoid dew-drop like colony on blood agar. On leishmann staining bipolar organism and on gram staining gram negative coccobacilli organism detected. Multiplex capsular PCR confirmed Pasteurella multocida type B. Antibiotic sensitivity test shows it is resistant to sulphamethaxazole+ Trimethoprime combination and sensitive to pencillins and cephalosporins On basis of the clinical signs and diagnostic plan the case was confirmed as Hemorrhagic Septicemia due to P. multocida type B and managed accordingly.
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