Pervaginum ovario-hysterectomy as salvage procedure for chronic cervico-vaginal prolapse in a cow

Title: Pervaginum ovario-hysterectomy as salvage procedure for chronic cervico-vaginal prolapse in a cow

Authors: S Purohit, Ranbir Singh, G Kumar, V Malik, DM Tripathi, MK Verma, PR Singh,

A Gowtham and RP Pandey

Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(2):297-299.

Cite this reference as: Purohit S, Singh Ranbir, Kumar G, Malik V, Tripathi DM, Verma MK, Singh PR, Gowtham A and Pandey RP (2016). Pervaginum ovario-hysterectomy as salvage procedure for chronic cervico-vaginal prolapse in a cow. Ruminant Science 5(2):297-299.



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