Title: Histochemical studies on development of Peyer’s patches in jejunum of buffalo during its prenatal life
Authors: Kritima Kapoor and Opinder Singh
Source: Ruminant Science (2017)-6(2):263-266.
Cite this reference as: Kapoor Kritima and Singh Opinder (2017). Histochemical studies on development of Peyer’s patches in jejunum of buffalo during its prenatal life. Ruminant Science 6(2):263-266.
The present study was conducted on 15 buffalo fetuses, with CVRLs from 11.5 cm to 100 cm (299 days) and were divided into three groups (Group I: between 0-20 cm, Group II: 20 to 40 cm and Group III: CVRL >40 cm) based on their CVRL. At 11.5 cm CVRL (80 days), the strong activity of acidic mucopolysaccharides was observed in propria submucosa and the marginal lining of villous epithelial cells. There were no lymphocytic aggregates. At 32 cm CVRL (145 days), the fibrous framework in which lymphocytic aggregates of 2-3 lymphocytes were observed in propria submucosa to be moderately alcianophillic alcianophillic i.e., moderate activity for acid mucopolysaccharides and the submucosa was strongly alcianophillic. At 54 cm CVRL (195 days), the primordia of lymphoid follicles were observed to be embedded within connective tissue that reacted strongly for both acid and as well as neutral mucopolysaccharides. At 100 cm CVRL (299 days), the completely developed lymphoid follicles that were present in a single row on the antimesenteric side had moderate activity for acid mucopolysaccharides in the center of the lymphoid follicles. But the center of wide diffuse lymphoid tissue (DLT) present in between the lymphoid follicles had strong activity for neutral mucopolysaccharides.
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