Title: Adoption of improved animal husbandry practices: A comparative study of dairy farmers in Rajasthan
Authors: OP Meena, NK Sharma, DS Rajput, ML Yadav and PK Godara
Source: Ruminant Science (2017)-6(2):371-375.
Cite this reference as: Meena OP, Sharma NK, Rajput DS, Yadav ML and Godara PK (2017). Adoption of improved animal husbandry practices: A comparative study of dairy farmers in Rajasthan. Ruminant Science 6(2):371-375.
The study was conducted on 160 dairy farmers selected from eight villages of Jaipur and Dausa districts of Rajasthan state ascertain the comparative analysis adoption of improved animal husbandry practices. From each village 10 members and 10 non-members were selected randomly. It was found that highest adoption of members in improved management practices (76.4%) followed by feeding, health care and breeding 72.4, 60.3 and 48.6 per cent, respectively. Whereas, non-members highest adoption in improved management practices (71.0%) followed by feeding, health care and breeding 66.8, 52 and 40.2 per cent, respectively. Adoption of improved animal practices was quite higher among members (67.3%) in comparison to non-members (60.7%).
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