Authors: Parul Shukla and Rajesh Rajput
Source: Ruminant Science (2018)-7(2):251-254.
Cite this reference as: Shukla Parul and Rajput Rajesh (2018). Studies on testicular descent in Gaddi sheep fetus. Ruminant Science 7(2):251-254.
The present study was conducted on sixty eight male Gaddi Sheep fetuses to determine descent of testes. After measuring crown rump length of the foetus, their age was calculated in days using the formula: Y = 2.74 X + 30.15. These fetuses were divided into 4 stages i.e stage I (31-60 days), stage II (61-90 days), stage III (91-120 days) and stage IV (121- till term). At 36 days of gestation, the testes were located posterior to mesonephric kidneys. The epididymal duct was visible adjacent to the testis on 45th day of gestation. The testes started descending into the inguinal canal on 83rd day of gestation and reached up to the scrotum on 95th day of gestation. The testes finally settled into the scrotum on 140th day of gestation. The shape of the testis varied from round to oval in stage I to oval in stage II and III and elongated in stage IV of gestation.
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