Authors: HA Shaikh, AU Bhikane, RK Jadhav and SG Chavhan
Source: Ruminant Science (2018)-7(2):305-310.
Cite this reference as: Shaikh HA, Bhikane AU, Jadhav RK and Chavhan SG (2018). Clinico-therapeutic management of hepatic jaundice in indigenous cattle. Ruminant Science 7(2):305-310.
Thirty-seven clinical cases of hepatic jaundice in cattle showing clinical signs viz., anorexia, absence of water intake, emaciation, rumen stasis with passage of hard pelleted feces, icteric to congested icteric mucosae, dark yellow to amber colored urine and necrotic skin with significant increase in total, direct and indirect bilirubin, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine compared to healthy cattle were treated with two treatment protocols to study the comparative efficacy of amoxicillin-cloxacillin and enrofloxacin. All the clinical cases were divided in two groups, Group I (n=25) were treated with amoxicillin-cloxacillin (10 mg/kg) and Group II (n=12) were treated with enrofloxacin (5 mg/kg). Cattle in both the groups were treated with supportive treatment of dextrose @ 25 ml/kg IV in 2 divided doses for 7 to 10 days or till recovery, vitamin B complex with herbal liver tonic (Tab. Livorak®) orally daily for 15-20 days, Inj. chlorepheniramine maleate (IM) in cases showing signs of pruritus due to hepatogenous photosensitization and herbal laxative (Protolax®) for treatment of constipation. The corticosteroids were given to stimulate appetite and to prevent hepatic fibrosis. The overall clinical recovery rate was higher (80%) in-group I cattle treated with amoxicillin-cloxacillin compared to group II cattle treated with enrofloxacin (58.33%). However, recovery period in both the groups showed non-significant variation (Group I-16.05±1.21 and Group II-16.00±1.11 days).
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