1-Title: Bovine surra in India: An update
Authors: Veer Singh and AK Tewari
Source: Ruminant Science (2012)-1(1):1-7.
How to cite this manuscript: Singh Veer and Tewari AK (2012). Bovine surra in India: An update. Ruminant Science 1(1):1-7.
Surra or trypanosomosis caused by Trypanosoma evansi is the most widely distributed pathogenic mechanically transmitted vector borne haemoprotozoan disease of bovines in India. The economic losses to the farmers are in terms of acute fever, anaemia, weight loss, abortion, infertility, reduced milk yield immunosuppression, lymphadenopathy, morbidity and mortality. The outbreaks of surra occur during the rainy season and post monsoon season correlating the high density of the insect vector. Trypanosomes can be detected microscopically in fresh or fixed and stained smears prepared from blood or lymph nodes of infected animals. The other most common tests employed are wet blood film (WBF), micro-haematocrit centrifugation technique (MHCT), mouse sub-inoculation (MSI), Card agglutination (CATT), indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), latex agglutination test (LAT), agglutination test, gel diffusion test, haemagglutination test, counter immunoelectrophoresis, ELISA, passive haemagglutination test (PHT), capillary agglutination test (CAT), slide enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (SELISA) and Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The control consisted of integrated approach i.e. proper management, vector control, chemoprophylaxis and chemotherapy. However, chemotherapy and chemoprophylaxis remains the mainstay of control of Surra in domestic animals in India. The zoonotic potential of the parasite has its public health significance.
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