14-Title: Effect of semen additives on leakage of certain enzymes during cryopreservation of Kankrej semen
Authors: BR Patel and GM Siddiquee
Source: Ruminant Science (2013)-2(1):63-66.
How to cite this manuscript: Patel BR and Siddiquee GM (2013). Effect of semen additives on leakage of certain enzymes during cryopreservation of Kankrej semen. Ruminant Science 2(1):63-66.
The objective of the present investigation was to study the effect of semen extender additives on extracellular release of enzymes subsequent to semen dilution, equilibration and thawing of cryopreserved Kankrej bull semen. Total 60 ejaculates, 10 each from 6 mature Kankrej bulls were collected and divided in 3 equal aliquots after diluting semen with TFYG diluent. Then first aliquot was added with EDTA (0.1%), second with caffeine (0.5%) as semen diluent additives and third aliquot was processed without additive and served as control. All the 3 aliquots were processed for freezing of semen at ultra low temperature to see the release of aspartate amino transferase (AST), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) at post diluted, post equilibration and post thaw stages of semen preservation. The release of AST, LDH and ALP enzymes increased in ascending order from post diluted to post thaw stages of semen preservation in control, EDTA and caffeine groups but significantly (P<0.05) lesser leakage of all enzymes were observed in EDTA and caffeine groups as compared to control group at post equilibration and post thaw stages of semen preservation. On comparison the EDTA was superior at post diluted and post equilibration stages whereas caffeine was found superior at post thaw stage. It can be concluded that addition of EDTA and caffeine as semen extender additives prevented leakage of AST, LDH and ALP enzymes during semen preservation as compared to diluent without any additive.
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