3-Title: Nutritive evaluation and in sacco (in situ) rumen degradability of some tropical legumes

Authors: Demo JU Kalla, MB Ngele, Mohammed Abubakar and Mohammed Bukar

Source: Ruminant Science (2013)-2(1):13-18.

How to cite this manuscript: Kalla Demo JU, Ngele MB, Abubakar Mohammed and Bukar Mohammed (2013). Nutritive evaluation and in sacco (in situ) rumen degradability of some tropical legumes. Ruminant Science 2(1):13-18.


Nutritive evaluation of Centrocema pubescens, Commelina bengalensis, Ipomoea eriocapa, Desmodium salicifolium and Vigna catjan and In Sacco rumen degradability of some tropical legumes was carried out at the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching and Research farm. Dry matter (DM) was between 94.71-96.16% with Commelina bengalensis recording the highest DM. Crude protein was highest in Centrocema pubescens (15.49%) and lowest in Ipomoea eriocapa (11.69%). Commelina bengalensis recorded the highest crude fibre (CF) value (35.49%). Neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) values were between 59.60-63.61% and 48.89-52.23% respectively. Calcium to phosphorus ratio was 2:1 across the legumes with the exception of Vigna catjan (Ca: P; 3:1). Commelina bengalensis, Ipomoea eriocapa and Vigna catjan had similar DM degradability (78.67%) at 96 hours. CP degradability was over 80% across the legumes at 96 hours. Vigna catjan recorded the highest NDF and ADF degradability at the highest incubation time. These legumes can be incorporated into the diet of ruminant animals especially during the long dry season when grazing are scarce and of low nutritive value.


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