6-Title: Periparturient hormonal profile and therapeutic management of cervicovaginal prolapse in Murrah buffaloes

Authors: BL Sharma, VK Bhatt, MK Shukla, Swadesh Thapak, KK Gupta, Satendra Sharma and Rahul Parasar

Source: Ruminant Science (2014)-3(1):29-32.

How to cite this manuscript: Sharma BL, Bhatt VK, Shukla MK, Thapak Swadesh, Gupta KK, Sharma Satendra and Parasar Rahul (2014). Periparturient hormonal profile and therapeutic management of cervicovaginal prolapse in Murrah buffaloes. Ruminant Science (2014)-3(1):29-32.


The present clinical study was conducted on 24 buffaloes suffering of cervicovaginal prolapsed during the last month of gestation. The cases were classified as 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree on the basis of severity and treated with different therapeutic regimes as per severity. The Plasma progesterone and estrogen concentration on the day of prolapse, day of parturition and day 10 post partum were recorded. The plasma progesterone concentration on the respective days was 1.91±0.07, 1.11±0.11 and 1.12±0.05 ng/ml whereas the respective values for plasma estrogen concentration were 176.57±1.50, 185.68±0.99 and 96.55±8.72 pg/ml. The results of the present study indicate that hormonal imbalance particularly low progesterone and high estrogen during later part of gestation period may be predisposing factor for cervico-vaginal prolapsed.


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