Title: Relationship between socio economic profile and knowledge level of goat owners regarding scientific goat farming practices
Authors: MK Mandal and Nitin Kirar
Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(1):47-50.
Cite this reference as: Mandal MK and Kirar Nitin (2016). Relationship between socio economic profile and knowledge level of goat owners regarding scientific goat farming practices. Ruminant Science 5(1):47-50.
The present study was conducted in randomly selected two blocks of Jabalpur district to find out the knowledge level of goat owners regarding scientific goat farming practices. The study shows that majority of the goat owners were predominantly middle age group, had low level of education and belonged to other backward class. Agricultural labour was found to be the major occupation among them. They belonged to landless category with medium herd size and information source utilization. Regarding knowledge level, majority of the respondents (94%) were having low level of knowledge about scientific goat farming practices. Positive significant association was observed between knowledge and education, occupation and information sources utilization. Negative significant association was observed between knowledge and age of the respondents.
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