Title: Serum trace mineral status of anoestrus buffaloes under farm condition
Authors: Vishal Mudgal, Vishnu Kumar Gupta and Shalini Srivastava
Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(1):59-62.
Cite this reference as: Mudgal Vishal, Gupta Vishnu Kumar and Srivastava Shalini (2016). Serum trace mineral status of anoestrus buffaloes under farm condition. Ruminant Science 5(1):59-62.
The present study was planned to determine serum trace-mineral status (iron, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt) of anoestrus Murrah buffaloes of the farm. Serum micro-mineral contents were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Mean serum concentrations of iron, copper, zinc, manganese and cobalt taken from anoestrus Murrah buffalo cows and heifers (n=14) were 2.82±0.65, 0.48±0.20, 2.65±1.46, 0.24±0.06 and 0.49±0.24 ppm, respectively. Compared with normal range of these trace elements in healthy animals the level of copper was on a border way to show the signs of clinical deficiency symptoms, while the levels of other elements was in quite safe range to encounter any problem. It was concluded that deficiency of copper, could be responsible for anoestrus condition in these animals. Thus, to overcome the deficiency, strategic dietary supplementation of copper with better bioavailability could be a suitable approach.
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