Title: Genotypic evaluation of somatic cell count in Hardhenu cattle (Bos taurus x Bos indicus)
Authors: Prem Dhingra, BLPander, SS Dhaka, Anshu Sharma and Ankit Magotra
Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(1):5-10.
Cite this reference as: Dhingra Prem, Pander BL, Dhaka SS, Sharma Anshu and Magotra Ankit (2016). Genotypic evaluation of somatic cell count in Hardhenu cattle (Bos taurus x Bos indicus). Ruminant Science 5(1):5-10.
A study was carried out to evaluate genetic and non genetic factors affecting somatic cell count (SCC) in Hardhenu cattle (Bos taurus x Bos indicus). A total of 74 Hardhenu cows record were obtained from the cattle breeding farm, Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, LUVAS, Hisar. Data were analyzed by using Harvey’s Programme (Harvey’s 1990) with appropriate models. Season of calving, udder shape and teat end shape (TES) significantly affected the SCC. Cows calved during autumn had lower SCC than those calved during winter, summer and rainy seasons. SCC was lower in cows with compact udder (2.92 lac cells/ml) than those with pendulous (4.52 lac cells/ml) and intermediate udder (4.98 lac cells/ml). However, the somatic cell count ranged from 5.31 lac cells/ml (for animals with pointed TES) to 7.26 lac cells/ml (for animals with funnel TES). Correlations among SCC of individual quarter ranged from 0.22 to 0.47. Various measures of SCC had significant and positive correlation with peak yield (PY) but negative with days to attain peak yield (DPY). The SCC had moderate and positive correlation with linear udder and teat traits except suspensory ligament (SL). There is positive and significant correlation between first five-month lactation yield (FMLY) and overall SCC (0.30). Correlations between SCC and average fat per cent in first 5 months (AFP) were very low (-0.04 to 0.14). The estimates of correlations between SCC and first five months fat yield (FMFY) were similar to those between SCC and FMLY. Estimates of correlations of SCC with test day yield (TDY) and test day fat yield (TDFP) were generally very low. The estimates of repeatabilities for all the measures of SCC were high ranging from 0.53 (LF quarter) to 0.75 (overall).
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