Title: Surgical management of intussusceptions in cattle: A clinical study of five cases
Authors: S Purohit, SR Chaudhary, JN Mistry, PB Patel, GM Siddiquee and JS Patel
Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(1):107-112.
Cite this reference as: Purohit S, Chaudhary SR, Mistry JN, Patel PB, Siddiquee GM and Patel JS (2016)- Title: Surgical management of intussusceptions in cattle: A clinical study of five cases. Ruminant Science 5(1):107-112.
Intussusception was diagnosed in 5 adult crossbred cows. Colicky signs preceded other symptoms of obstruction. Sausage like mass was palpated per rectally just below and to the right of pelvic brim in 4 cases. Intussusception was noticed more in jejunum and ileum. Intestinal resection and end to end anastomosis was done through right flank laparotomy. Postoperatively, cattle were treated with fluid therapy, broad spectrum antibiotic, analgesic and rumenotoric. Three cattle passed dung same day while 2 cattle on 2nd day postoperatively. Uneventful recovery was observed in these cases.
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