Title: Surgical management of congenital anomalies in ruminants
Authors: DK Dwivedi, MS Bhadwal, AK Gupta, RB Kushwaha, Ankur Sharma, Pankaj Gupta, Ashok Kumar and Girijesh Upamnyu
Source: Ruminant Science (2016)-5(1):113-116.
Cite this reference as: Dwivedi DK, Bhadwal MS, Gupta AK, Kushwaha RB, Sharma Ankur, Gupta Pankaj, Kumar Ashok and Upamnyu Girijesh (2016). Surgical management of congenital anomalies in ruminants. Ruminant Science 5(1):113-116.
Present study was conducted on 20 calves and 1 kid having different types of congenital anomalies presented at Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex. These were atresia ani, atresia ani et recti, rectovaginal fistula, perianal growth, umbilical hernia, persistent urachus, urethral diverticulum, cleft palate and contracted tendon. These were diagnosed clinically. The radiographic examinations were performed as and when required to confirm the diagnosis. The surgical interventions were also done.
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