Title: Comparative evaluation of Mehsana buffalo bulls by simple daughter and contemporary comparison methods using first lactation milk yield
Authors: JD Chaudhari, JP Gupta, DP Pandey, GA Parmar, BM Prajapati, MN Prajaparti and PA Patel
Source: Ruminant Science (2018)-7(1):51-54.
Cite this reference as: Chaudhari JD, Gupta JP, Pandey DP, Parmar GA, Prajapati BM, Prajaparti MN and Patel PA (2018). Comparative evaluation of Mehsana buffalo bulls by simple daughter and contemporary comparison methods using first lactation milk yield. Ruminant Science 7(1):51-54.
The data for the present study comprised 8072 first lactation records of Mehsana buffaloes, sired by 182 bulls, spread over a period of 25 years (1989-2013) under field progeny testing programme of Dudhsagar Research and Development Association (DURDA), Dudhsagar Dairy, Mehsana, Gujarat, India. The breeding values of Mehsana buffalo bulls were estimated for first lactation milk yield (FL305MY) and total milk yield (TMY) by simple daughter average index (D) and contemporary comparison (CC) methods. The average breeding values for FL305MY by D and CC were 2252.78 and 2247.67 litres; however, the corresponding average breeding values by these methods for TMY were 1897.82 and 1916.19 litres, respectively. The rank correlation coefficients between breeding values of sires by D and CC methods for FL305MY and TMY were found as 0.998 and 0.944, respectively. This shows that this both the methods could rank the sires with fairly high accuracy, when evaluation is done for FL305MY. Estimates of breeding value of Mehsana buffalo further revealed that performance of this breed is comparable with the well established buffalo breeds of India and there is a need to carry out more work to harness the potential of this breed in future.
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