Title: Effect of chromium supplementation on haematobiochemical constituents and milk production in hot humid season in surti buffaloes
Authors: SS Chaudhary, VK Singh, RR Singh, SB Patel, TD Manat and LM Sorathiya
Source: Ruminant Science (2018)-7(1):97-100.
Cite this reference as: Chaudhary SS, Singh VK, Singh RR, Patel SB, Manat TD and Sorathiya LM (2018). Effect of chromium supplementation on haematobiochemical constituents and milk production in hot humid season in Surti buffaloes. Ruminant Science 7(1):97-100.
The present experiment was carried out on 18 lactating Surti buffaloes with the objective to find out the effect of dietary chromium supplementation in heat stress amelioration during hot humid season in the declining phase of lactation. These buffaloes were divided into two groups (9 animals each) i.e. control (no chromium supplementation) and treatment (chromium supplementation @ 0.5mg per kg of dry matter intake for 12 weeks. Temperature and humidity of the surrounding environment was measured and subsequently THI was calculated. Blood samples were collected analyzed for hematological and biochemical parameters. Perusal of data revealed that after supplementation of chromium for a period of 12 weeks there was significant (P0.05) decrease in MCHC and MCH in treatment group. Rest of the hematological and biochemical parameters did not indicate any significant difference between the two groups. Significant (P0.05) differences were observed for oxidative stress parameters wherein SOD (superoxide dismutase) decreased in both, LPO (Lipid peroxide) increased in control group and GSH (Glutathione) increased in treatment groups significantly (P0.05). Milk yield was higher during most of the weeks up to 9 weeks of study in treatment group but was not significant. It can thus be concluded from the present study that supplementation of chromium in Surti buffaloes increases antioxidant defense i.e. in terms of GSH and reduces stress during hot humid season as indicated by decreased oxidative stress marker i.e. lipid peroxidation. Even though non-significant yet milk yield in declining phase of lactation showed marginally higher values upon chromium supplementation.
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