Title: Effect of extended photoperiod during winter season on production performance and blood biochemistry of Surti goats
Authors: Komal Prajapati, Rana Ranjeet Singh, SS Chaudhary, Amit Kumar and NB Patel
Source: Ruminant Science (2018)-7(1):109-112.
Cite this reference as: Prajapati Komal, Singh Rana Ranjeet, Chaudhary SS, Kumar Amit and Patel NB (2018). Effect of extended photoperiod during winter season on production performance and blood biochemistry of Surti goats. Ruminant Science 7(1):109-112.
Present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of extended photoperiod on production performance and blood biochemical profile of Surti does. Twelve healthy Surti goats were selected based on their age, body weight and body condition score, parity, stage of lactation and were subsequently divided into two groups as Control (C) group: animals receiving only natural light hours and Treatment (T) group: long day photoperiod receiving 13.5 hours of light, a combination of natural and artificial lighting (400 lux at the eye level of does). Body weights, body condition score, milk yield, milk constituents were observed/estimated on day 1 of the experiment thereafter on the day 15, 30, 45 and 60 of the experiment. Blood samples were also collected on these days to estimate the serum concentration of total protein, albumin, triglycerides, T3 and T4. The collected data were compiled, tabulated and analyzed by using SAS 9.2. The result of the study revealed that BCS was significantly higher (P<0.05) on day 30 onwards for control (C) group than the treatment (T) group. Further, animals receiving longer photoperiod during winter season had slightly higher milk yield over the experiment period, though it seems that 13.5 hrs of photoperiod was not enough to elicit a significant difference in the production and blood biochemical parameters in Surti goats.
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