Title: Effect of supplementation of complete feed blocks on performance of Marwari lambs
Authors: S Choudhary, V Kumar, SC Goswami, AK Patel, V Mahla, RS Gadhwal and Padma Meel
Source: Ruminant Science (2018)-7(1):137-140.
Cite this reference as: Choudhary S, Kumar V, Goswami SC, Patel AK, Mahla V, Gadhwal RS and Meel Padma (2018). Effect of supplementation of complete feed blocks on performance of Marwari lambs. Ruminant Science 7(1):137-140.
Twenty four Marwari lambs of similar age and confirmation were selected and divided into three equal groups. Animals of T1 (control group) maintained on sole grazing whereas animals of T2 and T3 (treatment groups) were supplemented with complete feed blocks @ 200 gm and 400 gm, respectively. Growth and haemato-biochemical parameters were estimated and recorded periodically whereas wool parameters were estimated at the end of the experiment. Total weight gain (Kg) and ADG (gm/d) was significantly (p<0.01) higher in T3 and T2 (7.9±0.15, 80.61±1.57 and 6.48±0.13, 66.19±1.34) as compared to T1 (4.3±0.13 and 43.87±1.34). The mean values for total serum protein (gm/dL) and blood urea nitrogen (mg/dL) in groups T1, T2 and T3 were 6.32±0.08 and 8.62±0.19; 6.74±0.12 and 11.16±0.36; 7.11±0.09 and 12.72±0.29, respectively. Mean values of total serum protein and blood urea nitrogen showed significant increase (p<0.01) in T2 and T3 groups. Mean values for all biochemical parameters in all the three groups were found to be within the normal physiological range. The mean values for fibre diameter (µ) and per cent hairy fibres in groups T1, T2 and T3 were 41.03±0.64 and 23.57±1.34; 38.06±0.33 and 17.25±0.54; 35.49±0.39 and 13.47±0.75, respectively. Mean values for fibre diameter and per cent hairy fibres showed significant decrease (p<0.01) in T2 and T3 groups. It was concluded that complete feed block supplementation significantly affects the growth and wool quality without causing any disturbance in physiological status of lambs.
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