Title: B-mode ultrasonographic evaluation of teat and udder affections in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
Authors: Neeraj Awasthi, S Purohit and RP Pandey
Source: Ruminant Science (2018)-7(1):151-154.
Cite this reference as: Awasthi Neeraj, Purohit S and Pandey RP (2018). B-mode ultrasonographic evaluation of teat and udder affections in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Ruminant Science 7(1):151-154.
Present study was conducted to standardized the echo-texture of teat and udder of buffaloes (N=6) and its clinical application in diagnosis of various affections of teats and udder (n=50). Ultrasonoraphy of teats were performed by keeping the teat in plastic glass filled with water while, udder was scanned by direct contact using gel. Based on ultrasonographic images generated, together sixty six leasions recorded in udder and teats of fifty animals and classified into eight types. In some animal’s more than one type of affections were also recorded. Present study documented the clinical application of ultrasonography in early and accurate diagnosis of various teat and udder affections in Buffaloes.
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